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Recombinant DNA Web Tools

Tool Sets for DNA Manipulation
1. SnapGene
2. everyVECTOR
3. pDRAW32 DNA analysis software 
4. DNA Strider (for Mac users)
5. EnzymeX (for Mac users)
6. APE - A plasmid editor
7. Sequence Manipulation Suite
8. CLC free workbench

Individual Tools for DNA Manipulation
1. Generating restrictions maps
2. Mapper
3. REbase
4. Translate (nucleotides to protein) A. Expasy B. EMBOSS
5. Reverse translation (protein to nucleotides)
6. Sequence Format Conversion
7. Codon optimization (GenScript)

PCR Design

1. Primer Tools for PCR
2. Primer Design
3. Nucleic Acids Calculators (Agilent)
4. Reverse complement
5. Oligo Calc:
6.Spectrophotometric Measurement of Nucleic Acids' Concentration 
7. Weight to Molar Quantity (for nucleic acids)  

Genetic Tools

1. REPK - finds sets of 4 commercially available restriction endonucleases which together uniquely differentiate designated sequence groups from a supplied FASTA format sequence file for use in T-RFLP.
2. PrimerZ -
primer design for genes and human SNPs (PubMed)
3. Silent mutation restriction enzyme scan 

This site is maintained by Dr. Nurit Doron . Your comments are most welcome.

entries since October 2013

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