Bacterial Glycerol Stocks
Put 0.5ml bacterial culture in a sterile
eppendorf tube.
Add 0.5ml of sterile 80% (v/v) glycerol
Freeze on dry ice or directly
into –70oc .
Store at –70oC. Cells are
best for about 4-6 months, but will probably work ok for a whole year.
DNA rearrangements may occur (this is especially true for bacterial
strains used for protein expression). Thus, it is highly recommended
to maintain DNA midi or mini preps, that will be used for future transformation
in case of activity loss of the glycerol bacterial stock.
To recover the bacteria:
Scrape the frozen surface of the culture
with a sterile inoculating needle, and then immediately streak the bacteria
that adhere to the needle onto the surface of an LB agar plate containing
the appropriate antibiotics. Incubate the plate overnight at 37oc.
Scrape the frozen surface of the culture
with a sterile inoculating needle or tip, and immediately immerse it in
2ml growth media within a 2059 snap-cap tube. Grow the bacteria overnight
in a 37oc shaker.
Return the frozen culture to
storage at -70oc.